Have You Ever Suffered From Trapezius Muscle Pain?

In the upper back, the trapezius, trapezoid, or trap muscle stabilizes the shoulders and allows the neck to move. Stretching can alleviate pain and help maintain flexibility. The trapezius muscle is a large, triangular muscle extending from the skull to the middle of the thoracic spine. Specific movements characterize each segment of the neck and shoulders. There are three sections to the neck and shoulders: the superior, the middle, and the inferior parts. You may feel pain due to many reasons.It is always advisable to consult a doctor.He will make a proper plan after diagnosis.

What Are the Symptoms of a Trapezius Muscle Pain?

Some of the symptoms of trapezius muscle pain are:

  • Muscle pain, especially after doing something that stretches or contracts the muscle
  • Pain that worsens when the muscle moves but improves with rest
  • Swelling or discoloration
  • Cramping or spasms
  • Less muscle strength
  • Loss of muscle function
  • Popping sensation when you get injured
  • Gap or dent in the standard outline of the muscle

Causes of Trapezius Stress

  • Muscle Stretches 

Trapezius muscles can stretch out or tear down due to a sudden accident, stressful exercise, or overactivity. This general injury can progress into muscle spasms. Back muscle strains and spasms can damage the trap muscles or several other muscles in the lower back.

  • Nerve Damage

If the nerves controlling the trapezius muscles get compressed, the trapezius muscle may not work as it should. Though uncommon, this type of injury can convert to neck surgery (including the removal of a tumor). Nerve damage can weaken the muscles. In severe situations, the completely trapped muscle gets entirely damaged and paralyzed.

  • Hyperactive Traps

Stress and depression often lead to tension in our upper muscles, which bear the shoulder’s weight slightly – you mostly ignore it until you relax and observe your shoulders are comfortable.

  • Tension Headaches 

Stretch traps muscles and is a general reason behind tension headaches. Trapezius muscle strains and tenderness can entangle the nerves, including accessory and occipital one, that cause a severe headache radiating from the skull base, and moves upwards and surrounds the top of the head along with the forehead on either side

  • Poor Posture

Sitting in a reclined position over a table or computer keyboard can tighten your trapezius muscles. People with stressful work postures also have a greater risk of observing trapezius symptoms. Such cases include coal miners and individuals who handle baggage and work in constrained spaces, like the baggage portions of commercial jets.

  • Mental Disturbance

Psychological stress can develop into prolonged muscle tension in the upper neck and shoulder areas, producing symptoms like trapezius muscle pain. Studies have proved that mental disturbances can affect the functions of the trapezius muscle. The hyperactivity in power increases the chances of trapezius muscle discomfort.

Risk Factors 

Your chances of getting a trapezius strain increase if you work in a job that exerts extra stress on the upper back region. Common examples of stressful employment include:

Construction workers.

  • Brick lifters
  • Firefighters.
  • Movers

Furthermore, you are at greater risk of affecting your upper back if you play sports such as:

  • Strongman competitions.
  • Basketball.
  • Football.
  • Volleyball.
  • Mountain climbers

Moreover, Traumatic events do not always lead to acute injuries. Stress at the back increases by actions like weighing heavy groceries, adopting poor posture, driving for long distances, or prolonged sitting at a desk, which can lead to problems.

What are Some Standard Tests To Check the Health of the Trapezius?

Healthcare Providers can diagnose trapezius muscle issues with the help of a physical examination. The severity of your symptoms decides whether to undergo an MRI or imaging tests to observe muscle damage.

If your practitioners identify nerve damage, you may go through an electromyogram. This test evaluates the working of nerves and muscles.

How Do We Treat Pain In the Trapezius Muscle?

According to pain management in Dallas, physical therapy is the best option to treat the painful conditions of the trapezius muscle. The therapies may vary according to the severity of the trapezius muscle injuries. It is preferred to consult a physiotherapist who recommends exercises that suit the body according to age and health disorders.

Pain killers: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including paracetamol and ibuprofen, may facilitate the decrease of trapezius pain.

Ice and heat therapy: Hot and cool therapy can decrease trapezius discomfort by managing inflammation and pain.

Dry needling: This method involves the insertion of thin needles in the layers of skin. It helps to trigger pressure points that lead to pain in the trapezius region.

Taping: Using elastic tape over the painful trapezius area is beneficial to reduce stress on the muscle.

Rest: Acute muscle stress and tears can recover with rest. You may be required to ignore certain activities like twisting or lifting your arms or shoulders. A high intake of plenty of water keeps your muscles hydrated.

Ergonomics: An ergonomic examination may facilitate 

your trapezius pain. For example, a workstation with support of the forearm can help an individual maintain a neutral and comfortable shoulder position, decreasing the trapezius muscle activity.

Surgery: Severe conditions of muscle tears may require surgical procedures. Your doctor uses sutures and stitches to sew torn muscles so that they can recover properly.


There are many ways to treat this condition. The doctor at pain physicians in Dallas may recommend an appropriate combination of medications, lifestyle changes, or alternative treatment. If you experience any potential problems due to trapezius muscles problems, please get in touch with your doctor immediately.

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