When To Consult An Arthritis Doctor Near Me?

Inflammatory (rheumatic) diseases are treated by rheumatologists, who are doctors who have been specially trained in these conditions. There is an extensive body of knowledge of rheumatology, but it is important to note that rheumatologists also treat a variety of medical conditions, including tendon issues, muscle injuries, and rare genetic conditions.

Developing an autoimmune disease causes unnecessary inflammation throughout your body as a result of your immune system. These conditions can affect your skin, eyes, internal organs, muscles, joints, and bones, as well as your skin, eyes and internal organs. In addition to diagnosing and treating these illnesses, rheumatologists also conduct research to better understand rheumatic diseases.

Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis doctors near me treat the arthritic patients according to individual needs. Mostly arthritis doctors recommend a customized treatment plan including following

Joint inflammation injections

  • Physical therapies
  • Corticosteroid Injections
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Immunosuppressive injections
  • Occupational therapies
  • Splinting

Reassessment and a followup treatment plan is also a mandatory part of treatment plan as some inflammatory conditions advance with the passage of time.

Symptoms of Arthritis

Arthritis doctors become a prime source of treatment when an individual exhibits arthritic symptoms. The most common symptoms of arthritis are 

  • Alopecia
  • Itchy skin
  • Inflammation 
  • Muscle stiffness and weakness
  • Dry eyes
  • Fatigue

However, an immediate visit to arthritis doctor must be planned if you observe these symptoms:

  • Joint pain lasting for more than 4 days
  • Numerous attacks of arthritis within a month.

When to Consult Arthritis Doctor

Arthritis specialists are consulted when severe complications related to arthritis are observed. As arthritis is a painful condition, most commonly characterized by inflammation, it can be prevented to become more debilitating by addressing it at the initial stages.

An adequate diagnosis can be obtained by a family doctor or primary care doctor. However, a specialist or arthritis doctor is consulted to find the adequate treatment when the underlying cause is unknown. There are also several prominent symptoms that identify a specialist for reasonable answers to all queries.

  • Arthritis is co existing with other medical complications.
  • Arthritis is converted to severe disability
  • Arthritis is affecting other body parts
  • Arthritis keeps worsening after treatment
  • The patient has reached a point where special treatment by an arthritis doctor is mandatory.

What Diagnostic Approaches Are Used By Arthritis Doctors?

After the first appointment, arthritis doctors at pain management in Dallas are able to find out some important answers about family history and routine activities of patients. However, arthritis doctors make the patients undergo a complete physical examination. It might include imaging or laboratory tests. Biopsy in this case helps to identify symptoms of autoimmune disorders.Whereas, ultrasound,CT scans and MRI visualize the internal organ damages.

Arthritis doctors also recommend lung X-rays for chest infections. Some patients may also require bone density tests like DEXA scans for diagnostic purposes. As, there may also be some associated medical complications that make it difficult to propose appropriate diagnosis. For this instance, endoscopy, electrocardiogram, and electromyogram are the best diagnostic evaluations.

What Arthritis Doctors Do After Diagnosis?

Arthritis doctors or pain physicians in Dallas are experts at managing arthritic conditions, so they try to educate their patients about the treatment plans and management of ailment on a daily basis. These specialists  focus on informative education related to joints, muscles and bone health. Moreover, they are also specialized to provide complex treatments if necessary.

Whereas, the individuals visiting the doctors may also consider a few steps to make the assessment procedure easy for arthritic doctors. In this context, patients must carry their organized records including past laboratory tests and previous doctors notes. The patients must also have a record of past medications and supplementations administered till the date.

As different individuals experience different symptoms that may vary with passage of time, the patients must keep noticing the ongoing symptoms on a notepad or medical records.

Do Arthritis Doctors Work In A Team?

Arthritis doctors near me may also work in a collaborative team to ensure maximum outputs. This collaborative team consists of other healthcare experts like chiropractors, physical therapists and occupational therapists. Chiropractors treat different joint, neck and muscle pain issues. Whereas, physical therapists focus on strengthening muscles by several physical techniques. Other specialists that facilitate the treatment journey are as follows

  •  Dietitians
  • Psychologists
  • Massage therapists
  • Vocational consultants
  • Licensed acupuncture therapists
  • Radiologists


Rheumatologists can treat a wide range of conditions that can be lifelong and complex in nature. You should see a rheumatologist if you experience any of these symptoms. They are often difficult to diagnose and some can result in permanent joint damage. The physician will develop a customized care plan based on the precise cause of your symptoms. As well as monitoring, they may recommend additional treatments if changes occur that indicate that additional treatment is necessary.

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