How to Get Rid of Neck Fat?

Losing weight requires a commitment to get rid of excess neck fat as quickly as possible. This area becomes more rounded during the weight gain process. It is only sometimes the case that excess weight causes neck fat. Neck fat can be caused by genetics, being overweight, or aging. Sometimes, you can’t eliminate unwanted, excessive fat from your chin or neck despite diet and exercise efforts. If you don’t want to do this, it is possible to reduce neck fat without medical treatment. 

Possible Causes of Neck Fat

Excessive buildup of fatty layers around the neck may be due to underlying metabolic or genetic disorders. These sources leading to neck fat are as follows:

  • Obesity

Obesity or carrying overweight is the most discussed cause of neck fat. When we

gain abnormal fat, it has the ability to be stored in different parts of the body.

Among these body parts, one of the prominent is the neck and face area. As a

result, a person’s face appearance is altered showing a double chin.

  • Congenital Disorders

Genetic predisposition to fat neck is a general observation. Some individuals have a genetic design to store fat in the neck area, or the shape of their neck becomes heavy and chubby.

  • Over-age

Aging has a vital significance in neck fat. This is because neck muscles become loose and weak with time. It results in skin sagging and the appearance of a double chin.

  • Sedentary lifestyle

An inactive lifestyle and decreased physical activities may lead to fat accumulation around the neck. However, smoking and alcohol consumption may contribute further to exacerbating neck fat.

  • Poor Posture

Poor posture that becomes a reason for putting extra pressure on the fat muscles

results in slouching. Some other activities, like using laptop screens or sitting on a working table for a more extended period with a tilted head downward, may also contribute to neck fat accumulation.

  • Impact on Health

Excessive neck fat is associated with certain health risks, says pain management in Dallas. Neck fat damages the overall health condition and tarnishes one’s confidence level. Moreover, lower self-esteem and visible insecurities add more to an individual’s personality.

Some of the health complications that one must be aware of due to excessive fat neck are as follows:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Metabolic disorders
  • Cardiovascular health disorders
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Psychological Well-being
  • Obstructive sleep disorders

Tips to Get Rid Of Neck Fat

Not all individuals with neck fat are recommended to undergo surgical

procedures. There are numerous treatment options available to reduce the extra

fat. Most common of them are as follows

  • Neck Exercises

There are many techniques available which are termed as neck exercises.Their primary role is to strengthen neck muscles and tone them up, says neck pain specialist in Dallas. However, these exercises must be avoided to be overdone as they may cause muscle exertion. These exercises include neck tilts, neck stretches, and chin tilts. A routine practice for 20-30 min can improve muscle tonicity and elasticity to a greater extent.

  • Count Daily Calorie Intake 

As one of the main reasons for neck fat is obesity, one of the best options to shred extra body weight is to count calorie intake. Losing weight prominently manifests itself in the neck and face area first. Generally, if you reduce your calorie intake to 400-500 per day, you can lose almost 0.5 kg per week. 

  • Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises not only help in reducing extra body weight but also remove body toxins. These exercises facilitate shredding weight by increasing sweating and promoting blood circulation. However, anaerobic exercises help to lessen bloating and enhance a slimmer body shape.

  • Yoga Exercises

The scientifically proven healthiest way to lose weight is considered yoga. Daily yoga practice improves body agility and tightens the loose neck muscles. Those individuals who have added yoga to their routine think of themselves as more healthy and active in physical appearance and mental. Moreover, the intake of lean proteins has also evidently improved the overall health status of such individuals. The primary sources of such lean proteins include nuts, eggs, seafood, lean beef, and tofu.


There are several safe ways to lose neck fat. You may develop a double chin for a variety of reasons. Before undergoing an invasive procedure, try weight loss, cardio, and chin exercises unless you’re sure it’s due to genetics. Talk to your doctor before starting a diet and exercise program. They will help you set healthy weight loss goals and address health concerns. In addition to offering you a meal plan that fits your lifestyle, your doctor can advise you on invasive procedures if diet and exercise do not reduce your double chin.

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