Why Do People Suffer From Dorsalgia?

Dorsalgia is a condition related to back pain. Dorsalgia is derived from the Latin word dorsal, meaning back, and algia, meaning pain. As the name indicates, Dorsalgia refers to a group of conditions associated with the spinal column of the body that result in pain in the muscles, nerves, bones, joints and other tissues. Approximately five million people in the United States suffer from back pain and approximately two and a half million suffer from back disorders permanently. 

At any given time, approximately 10% of adults in the United States suffer from dorsalgia. Back pain can have severe symptoms that can make for a person to perform daily activities easily. It is important to understand the causes and treatments of this condition in order to alleviate the effects of the condition. However, there are several available treatment options to assist in managing the condition. 

What Causes Dorsalgia?

The most commonly observed causes of dorsalgia include spine blockage, and degeneration of spine vertebrae. There are also sedentary lifestyles and some hereditary issues behind the onset of dorsalgia.

  • Stress disorders
  • Osteoporosis
  • Injuries including road accidents, sports injuries, slips
  • Herniated discs
  • Physical exertion
  • Scoliosis
  • Spondylosis

Any of these disorders may be responsible for back ache or dorsalgia.However, healthcare providers diagnose the accurate triggers behind the pain and recommend treatments accordingly.

Types of Dorsalgia

Dorsalgia can be known as having six types. They include following:

  • Thoracolumbar dorsalgia-Pain involving both thoracic and lumbar regions
  • Lumbosacral dorsalgia-pain rooting from lumbar and sacral regions
  • Cervical dorsalgia-Pain evolving in cervical spine
  • Cervicothoracic dorsalgia-Pain in thoracic and cervical portion of spine
  • Lumbar dorsalgia-The lumbar spine pain 

Symptoms of Dorsalgia

Mostly, a sharp and aching pain is observed as a symptom of dorsalgia. As the adjacent muscles of the spine become hardened leading to stiffness and reduced flexibility. This type of pain is generally localized among the shoulder blades and radiates towards the limbs and chest. Sometimes it is also misidentified as heart pain. Dorsalgia may also manifest itself during posture changing and making it difficult to perform daily activities.Lower extremities of the body may also feel a burning and shooting sensation causing numbness.

Diagnosis of Dorsalgia

Your healthcare expert may design the diagnostic approach focusing on physical examination, neurological testing and imaging tests. 

Physical Examination

Physical examination may start from evaluating the functionality of arms, legs, back while sitting, standing and moving. Clear answers of a few queries may also facilitate diagnosis of dorsalgia. These questions include

  • What is the peak time of back hurt initiation
  •  Which home remedies relieved the pain
  • Any other associated medical conditions
  •  Any medical history of back pain
  • Does back pain start in day time
  • Does it affect your routine activities
  • Any past history of serious injuries

Neurological Examination

Following tests may be recommended by healthcare providers to identify the presence of neurological issues

  • Stork Test

This test allows the healthcare providers to examine your back while standing straight on the floor. After standing, the knees are lifted up towards the ceiling in a balanced posture. Positive tests diagnose the presence of neurological compression and ask for further neurological testing

  • Adam’s Forward Bend Test

Standing straight on the floor, the healthcare experts ask you to bend yourself around your waist. Any larger complexities are identified through Adam’s forward bend test.

  • Straight Leg Test

This test is performed to check the straightening ability of leg upto 30-60 degree while lying straight in a comfortable position. If there is any pain or stretching sensation, it signals about the presence of nerve compressions.

However, all these tests, if show any positive results, recommend further go for neurological testing like EMG tests.Moreover, MRI , CT scan and X-rays are also beneficial to recognize the complexities of dorsalgia.

Treatment of Dorsalgia

Treatment plans are dependent on individual patients and may vary according to 

seriousness of pain. Although osteopathy, massages, physiotherapies and heat cold treatments have obtained the prime importance for treatment of dorsalgia.

Medications for the treatment of dorsalgia may include muscle relaxants, NSAIDs, lidocaine or steroid injections. Moreover surgical procedures like discectomy and spinal fusion may also be recommended by the healthcare providers or pain physicians in Dallas when necessary. 

In some patients transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulations have also proved to be effective for relieving dorsalgia. Moreover, experienced and trusted healthcare experts such as those available at back pain management in Dallas must be consulted before any therapeutic procedure to ensure optimal results. They must be properly aware about your past medical history and all treatment methods adopted so far to manage dorsalgia for effective treatment approaches.


Back pain or dorsalgia can occur due to many factors and can manifest in different types. Finding the severity and cause of the back pain is essential to develop a complete treatment plan. 

You can relieve back pain discomfort by resting, changing your lifestyle, engaging in muscle therapy, or taking medications. Consult your physician for assistance. You are able to live a pain-free quality life when you understand the cause and take proper steps to get rid of  back pain.

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