Did You Observe Hip Pain From Running

Hip pain is a common problem for runners and fitness freaks. If you feel pain in your hips after completing your running session, you should know the causes of hip pain. Mostly a person is likely to face hip pain from running. Hip pain from running can sometimes be an indication of serious problems related to injury to your hips. An injury to your bones, muscles, tendons, or other structures can result in hip pain which can aggravated after running. An old injury, weak core muscles, or poor movement patterns can also result in hip pain. In case you face hip pain from running, you need to consult a doctor. 

You should be aware of several reasons why your hips may hurt from running. Moreover, you should also know the factors that contribute to these injuries, the common symptoms, and how they are treated.

What Does The Hip Joint Look Like?

The hip joint is one of the largest weight-bearing joints of the body. This ball and socket joint provides stability to the body and bears body weight. The components which join together to make the hip joint include

  • Hip muscles-flexors, abductors, extensors,internal and external rotators
  • Fluid-filled sacs-bursae
  • Lubricating fluid-synovial fluid
  • Soft tissues-ligaments

Benefits Of Solid Hip Muscles

Hip muscles are extensively used while running, says the hip pain doctor. Strong hip muscles are mandatory for injury-free fast running. Compound movements like deadlifts and squats can be practiced to strengthen hip muscles. However, different modifications in exercises such as single leg exercises, Bulgarian squats and crab walks can help to flex the hip muscles.

What Causes Hip Pain From Running?

As the hip joint has a complex structure, hip pain from running may arise due to abnormality in hip bone parts. The pain is not localized at one point but dispersed and varies from dull to severe aches. The topmost causes of hip pain include the following

  • Osteoarthritis

The hip pain in older individuals is mainly attributed to osteoarthritis. The ball and socket joint itself are directly affected in this condition. As a result, the hip joint cartilage becomes thinner, causing pain. Sometimes, the hip bone becomes stiff and immovable. However, recovery requires a more extended period of relaxation.

  • Bursitis

Bursae are small fluid-filled pockets present in different parts of body joints. Their primary function is to provide cushioning and reduce friction. Sometimes, the bursae at the trochanter(part of the hip bone) get inflamed for unknown reasons, leading to hip pain. Although relieving the compression over hip bursae can improve the condition.

  • Tendinopathy

Increased tension, stress or overuse of hip muscles leads to muscle strains. Moreover, the hip joint is a point of attachment of more than 15 other body muscles. All muscles may get equal chances to be stained. Resting is the best option to treat a strained muscle.

  • Stress fractures

Repetitive mechanical stress may cause fractures in the hip or femur bones. However, these fractures are not identical to the typical fractures. Increased stress training may worsen the condition, requiring a complete rest period for proper bone healing.

Treatment Strategy For Hip Pain From Running

Identifying the underlying cause is very important to start treating hip pain. However, whatever the reason may be, the main focus of treatment procedures is to:

  • Decrease pain
  • Enhance mobility
  • Improve core strength and conditioning

Rest and a healthy diet are the common home remedies to alleviate pain symptoms. Notably, foods rich in vitamin D and calcium are necessary for such individuals. However, over-the-counter pain relievers may also be used to get relief. If the symptoms do not disappear, you must not ignore them and consult your healthcare expert. A complete diagnosis by physical evaluation and imaging tests will further facilitate the treatment journey.

Moreover, the physical therapists may also be contacted to practice individualized exercises. They may recommend strength training and load management. 

So, if you observe that the pain is worsening and your hip bone can no longer bear the weight, the healthcare experts at the pain clinic dallas can be consulted.

The Bottom Line

Rest is essential in your recovery. You probably enjoy an active lifestyle if you’re experiencing hip pain from running. Sitting on the sidelines may not be ideal, but it’s your best option until you recover fully. See a sports medicine or orthopedic doctor if your hip pain persists or recurs. They can give you a proper diagnosis and a proper treatment plan. If you have a hip injury with severe pain, swelling, or signs of infection, seek immediate medical attention.

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