What Are The Best Rhomboid Exercises?

One of the more attractive reasons to turn your attention to rhomboids by doing exercises is to get a more attractive look. So, give your rhomboids the attention they deserve. Moreover, you’ll feel better, walk longer (with better posture), and even lift more weight, resulting in a bigger, stronger upper body look. Everyone loves to train the big muscles like the pecs, lats, and quads, but we don’t pay much attention to the smaller ones that we can’t see in the mirror. The problem is that if we don’t develop these small muscles, they can cause us big problems in terms of muscle imbalances and injury. So, after proper research and experiments rhomboid exercises are recommended, which should be performed in an appropriate way. 

Rhomboid Muscles

Rhomboid muscles are located in the upper-mid back area that connects to your spine and plays a fundamental role in scapular control and upper-back strength.Also,Rhomboid muscles can be divided into two parts:

  • Rhomboid Minor
  • Rhomboid Major

Benefits Of Robust Rhomboid Muscles

According to Pain Clinic Fort Worth, here are some important benefits you will enjoy if you have strong muscles:

  • You will be able to lift more weights and improve muscle growth.
  • It helps prevent sports injuries.
  • You can prevent compensation issues.
  • It helps in maintaining healthy body posture.

Hence, if you are looking to enjoy these benefits, you should learn about the best rhomboid exercises.

Best Rhomboid Exercises

Here are the best rhomboid exercises recommended by the pain and spine clinic:

1-  Levator Scap Stretch

  • You should begin by standing in a seated position and grasping the bottom of the chair with your right hand. 
  • Your left hand should be placed on your back. 
  • Your head should be pointed toward your left armpit. 
  • Once your head has been gently pushed down, look towards your left armpit, until you feel a slight stretch along the right side of your neck. 
  • Try to stay in this position approximately for 15 to 20 seconds.
  •  Repeat this stretch on the opposite side. Attempt to perform this stretch three times on each side.

2-  I-Y-T Raise

  • The dumbbells should be placed in each hand and your arms should be extended horizontally on an incline bench. 
  • As you raise your arms in an upward forward motion, keeping both arms extended, form an “I.” Hold your arms in place and squeeze the upper back muscles for a second. 
  • Return your arms to the starting position, then raise your arms upward diagonally to form a “Y” and pull your shoulders back for a second before returning to your starting position. 
  • Then lift both arms upward and out to the sides in the shape of a “T”, pull shoulders back, and hold for a moment before resuming the exercise. 

3-  Single Arm Dumbbell Row

  • Place a dumbbell on the floor next to a bench and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Pick up a dumbbell with one hand, bend at your hips and knees, and maintain a straight back. 
  • • Place your opposite knee and hand on the bench and align yourself with your back.
  • As you row, retract your shoulder blade and pull the dumbbell toward your hips to begin the rowing motion. 
  • Let the dumbbell hang straight toward the floor.
  •  Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and switch sides by lowering the dumbbell back to the starting position with control.

4-  Kettlebell Gorilla Rows

  • Stand with your feet between the kettlebells, your toes slightly pointed outward. 
  • Place two kettlebells on the floor about shoulder-width apart. Hold the kettlebells with an overhand grip by bending at the hips and knees.
  •  The kettlebell should be kept on the ground while you pull one kettlebell towards your hip. 
  • You can repeat the exercise on the other side and alternate for as many reps as you wish.

5-  Face Pull With Rope

  • Using an overhand grip, hold the rope handle of the cable machine while arranging a double-rope add-on at shoulder level. 
  • • When you are bending towards your face, your upper arms should be parallel to the ground and your hands should be towards the floor. You should hold the handles on either side of your face. 
  • Maintain the tension in the cable as you gradually return to your starting position.

6-  High Angle One Arm Cable Row

  • The handle of the cable machine should be placed at a high level (matching the level of your head). 
  • Move the handle palm down and take a split position.
  • Stretch your arms in a straight slanting motion that moves down your upper body in a straight slanting motion. 
  • While your arms are at a 90° angle, slowly rotate your working shoulder outward. 
  • This spin will allow you to target your rhomboid exercises for pain more effectively and squash them more effectively. 
  • Then, gradually try to come back to the original posture. Then after some time repeat it.

7-  Seated Row and Standing Cable Row

  • Arrange the cable machine with dual levers
  • Move a plane bench up to the machine
  • When you are in a sitting position, the cable should be precisely below your sternum level
  • Grip one handle in each hand and relax back so that your arms get fully stretched. Ensure that your spine is in a straight posture. You don’t need to bend your lower spine. This position will help you focus on rhomboids.
  • Then yank both palms towards your upper abs. Then squish your shoulder blades together and emphasize exercising the rhomboids.
  • Gradually move back until your arms get fully stretched.
  • Repeat this motion


Before performing any type of exercise which are new to you, try to start with the best trainer and with the right posture. In case of wrong posture and putting extra weight, you may suffer from any bad things happening.

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