Proper Methods To Get Rid Of Neck Fat

Nobody welcomes neck fat with happiness, it is a very awkward feeling. The whole body fat on the neck looks very bad because only this portion is visible along with the face. There are many factors associated with this condition along with genetics. Fortunately, there are many herbal, non-surgical and surgical treatments available to get rid of it. 

Causes of Weight Gain

In addition to eating a lot of food there are also other causes which may result in neck fat some are like medical conditions, genetic factors, and other lifestyle factors can result in weight gain.

  • Genetic Factors

Weight gain may run in families like if you see in elders who are having neck fat in old ages, then you are also at risk to get fat on neck. Disposition towards fat storage and weight gain can be inherited. It is always advisable to manage and monitor weight in an effective way.

  • Aging

Aging  is another important factor that may result in the development of fat on the neck. Decrease of skin elasticity and weakening of neck muscles. This type of change may lead to accumulation of fat, sagging skin, and making neck fat more prominent.

  • Medical Conditions

Hypothyroidism, cushing’s syndrome, and polycystic ovarian syndrome all need a diagnosis. Moreover, they are joined with obesity and weight gain. If you cannot maintain a healthy weight and recently gained weight then it is very important to discuss with the doctor about potential missed diagnoses.

  • Posture 

Poor posture, like tilting or slouching your head frequently in a downward direction, can exert strain on the neck muscles and lead to the development of fat on the neck with the passage of time.

  • Lifestyle Factors

Smoking, poor sleep, excess stress, lack of physical activity, and an unhealthy diet can result in weight gain.  Effectively managing your daily life and finding a healthy balance can help in reducing weight gain risk.

Different Ways By Which You Can Get Rid Of Neck Fat

A person with neck fat never looks attractive, because excessive weight changes the original shape of the person. According to the pain medicine clinic, there are given techniques to reduce the fat in the neck.

  • Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water can decrease the accumulation of fat on the neck. Because, dehydration and lack of water can result in accumulation of fat around the neck due to decrease of insulin in the body.  Shortage of water triggers certain hormones to release resulting in accumulation of fat around the neck. 

  • Perform More Cardio

Cycling, walking, jogging in a regular way are the best cardiovascular exercises to decrease the fat around the neck. Burning of calories as well as removal of toxins through sweat occur, when you perform such activities.

These exercises are also very effective in decreasing blood pressure and maintaining your heart health. There are more chances of keeping your neck slimmer when your heart is healthy.

  • Decrease Your Consumption Of Calories 

First most important thing is to reduce consumption of calories. By following this, you would be able to remove a lot of fat from different parts of the body.

Main mechanism is by taking a low level of calories, your metabolism would be slowed down and release of accumulated fat would occur which was present to make-up sugar level. In this way you can get rid of fat on the buttocks, neck, and belly. 

  • Take Vegetables

Eating vegetables is another best way to get rid of neck fat. Switching to a diet consisting of lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits will result in accumulation of minerals and vitamins. It also helps in achieving better posture and appearing healthy. Consuming more fiber will help losing weight and it will take time to gain weight.

  • Reduce the Intake Of Processed Food

Stopping consumption of processed food is necessary to lose weight. Actually, processed food contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugar leading to weight gain. 

Neck fat Treatment

The natural way to lose a double chin is through diet and exercise, jaw exercises, or yoga. This can be achieved without medical intervention. Natural treatments cannot be relied upon right away and can take a while to achieve success. Unless you are overweight to begin with, diet and exercise will not always fix your double chin. 


Another best option is to eliminate or reduce fat on the neck is surgery. Here are given three types of surgeries which are also available at pain clinic Fort Worth.

  • Face fits

In this procedure, general anesthesia is used. However, local anesthetic may also be used. The doctor will remove saggy and fatty skin around your neck area and chin. 

  • Neck-lift

There are different types of neck lift procedures that are available to perform. Cervicoplasty is one of the neck lift techniques and has the goal to remove any extra skin from around the chin and the neck. Platysmaplasty is another neck lift procedure that aims to make neck muscles tighten. Both procedures are equally available to improve chin and neck contour.

  • Liposuction

In the procedure of liposuction, fat present under your skin is removed. Surgeons will also contour and sculpt your neck and chin to reshape your jawline. This is done by inserting a small tube in the small incision.

During liposuction, only a local anesthetic is required to numb the affected area. Good thing about liposuction is, it is a simple procedure requiring only a local anesthetic.

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