Exercises for Fixing Military Neck

Military neck is a common issue for those who have served in the military or held rigorous physical jobs. It’s characterized by tightness and pain in the area of the neck, making it difficult to move and even more difficult to find relief. But there’s hope. By understanding the causes and symptoms of the military neck, along with various treatments, one can work towards healing. 


Military neck (also known as forward head posture) is a common condition in which the neck shifts forward away from its natural alignment. This posture can cause pain, stiffness and poor mobility in the neck and shoulders. Fortunately, there are many exercises that can help to correct the military neck. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of doing these exercises, as well as providing detailed instructions on how to do them correctly. 

Exercise 1: Wall Angels

Wall Angels exercises effectively help correct military neck by addressing tightness in the trapezius and levator scapulae muscles. Developed by physiotherapist Brett Sears, wall angels are a simple but effective way to stretch and strengthen these key muscles. 

The first step of the exercise involves standing with your back against a wall and your arms at your sides. From this position, raise both arms straight up with your palms facing forward until they touch the wall above you.

Next, while keeping your upper arms flat against the wall, slowly lower them down along each side of your body until they meet shoulder-level again. To finish off the exercise, return both hands to their starting position on either side of you. This should be done in one slow controlled motion for best results. 

Exercise 2: Resistance Band Pull Aparts

Military neck is a common posture abnormality that can lead to chronic pain and injury. It is characterized by the head being forward of the shoulders and excessive tension in the trapezius muscles. Fortunately, there are exercises you can do to help fix this issue. Resistance band pull aparts are an effective exercise for improving military neck posture

This exercise uses resistance bands to target the upper back muscles which improves overall strength and stability of the shoulder girdle.

To perform this exercise, stand with your feet hip-width apart while holding a resistance band in both hands at chest level. Spread your arms wide while keeping them parallel to the ground and hold for two seconds before returning them back to starting position. Repeat this motion 16-20 times for two or three sets, taking breaks in between each set if necessary. 

Exercise 3: Chest Supported Rows 

Military neck is the term for a condition where one’s neck has lost its natural curvature, often caused by poor posture or excessive strain on the muscles. It can cause pain and discomfort as well as reduce mobility. Fortunately, chest supported rows exercises are a great way to help fix the military neck and improve overall posture and strength.

Chest supported rows are an effective exercise that helps strengthen the back muscles while keeping your spine in proper alignment. To perform this exercise you will need access to a bench with a barbell rack attached underneath it.

Place the barbell onto the barbell rack at shoulder-width apart and recline onto the bench so that your chest is directly under it. Grasp the handles of the barbell with both hands and row up towards your chest until you feel tension in both arms then lower back down into starting position. 

Exercise 4: Seated Neck Extensions 

Poor posture causes the accumulation of stress and strain on the spine, leading to the increasingly common condition known as military neck or forward head posture.It can lead to a variety of physical ailments including neck pain, headaches and even shoulder tightness.

Fortunately, there are exercises that you can do at home to help improve your posture and alleviate some of these symptoms. Seated neck extensions are a great way to start relieving tension in the neck muscles and counteracting the effects of the military neck.

Seated neck extensions involve bending your head back while sitting up straight with your feet flat on the floor. This exercise helps stretch out the muscles in your upper back while also gently extending your cervical spine in order to reduce any pressure that has built up due to poor posture over time. 

Exercise 5: Foam Rolling 

Foam rolling exercises can provide relief for those suffering from military neck, also known as upper crossed syndrome. Military neck is a condition that occurs when the shoulder muscles become tight and the head is held in an anterior tilt position.

This can cause pain in the neck and back, tension headaches, and poor posture. Fortunately, there are some easy foam rolling exercises that can help to correct these imbalances. 

Foam rolling helps to break down knots of tension in the muscles of your neck, shoulders and upper back. By gently applying pressure with your bodyweight on a foam roller you can increase blood flow to areas that may be tight or overworked. Rolling the foam before stretching ensures your muscles are relaxed enough, allowing you to move more freely during your stretches.


Are you suffering neck pain and want to know about a neck doctor near you .For those in Hillsboro suffering from neck pain, finding the right neck pain doctor to help with the situation is of utmost importance. Thankfully, there are plenty of qualified medical professionals near Hillsboro that specialize in treating military neck.

Military neck is a term used to describe a condition caused by damage or injury to the cervical spine (neck). Trauma, such as car accidents, sports injuries, falls, muscle strain, and degenerative conditions like arthritis, can cause military neck. Symptoms of the military neck include chronic neck pain and stiffness, as well as numbness and tingling in the extremities. 

The best way to treat a military neck is to seek professional medical attention from a qualified provider who specializes in treating this condition. As with any medical issue, it’s important for patients to be aware of their options and meet with their physician for a thorough evaluation.

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