Why My Lower Back Is Killing Me? Top Reason

 If you think my lower back is killing me. Then, you don’t need to worry about it because there are treatments available for you surgical and non-surgical as well. Many factors like fibromyalgia, sciatica, and herniated discs are related to lower back pain. Whenever you feel lower back pain try to consult a doctor at a pain management clinic.

Lower Back Pain Symptoms

Symptoms of this condition may include:

  • Lifting or bending heavy objects causes pain
  • Hip or gluteal pain
  • Long-term sitting or resting can cause pain
  • Stiffness after inactivity or upon awakening
  • Weakness or numbness

Some severe symptoms are as follows:

  • Back and leg pain
  • Weight loss that is unintentional
  • Fever
  • Constipation

In case of severe symptoms or back pain lasting longer than 72 hours, you should consult a physician.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

According to pain clinic Fort Worth, the following causes may be related to lower back pain.

  • Herniated Disc

Protective covers are present around the intervertebral discs which may tear with the passage of time. The outer layer of the skin can be penetrated by soft inner tissues as a result. Dislocated and ruptured discs include slipped discs, bulging discs, and herniated discs. When in herniated discs nerves become pinched may lead to the following symptoms at the location where nerves are present.

    • Numbness,
    • Tingling,
    • Weakness,
    • And pain 
  • Kidney Issues 

When kidneys become affected due to stones or infections can result in lower back pain. To confirm that your back pain is due to kidney problems, he may ask for imaging tests like ultrasound, MRI, or blood tests as well.

  • Sciatica

When the sciatic nerve originating from the lower back becomes irritated discomfort may result in back pain. This situation is characterized as sciatica. However, doctors may suggest it as lumbar radiculopathy. Sciatica may result in extreme unbearable pain.

  •    Muscle Sprains or Strains 

Whenever a person becomes overactive and engaged in doing an excessive quantity of tasks then there are chances for ligaments and strains to become tear or stretch. Sudden movement may also result in strains and sprains. Pain and muscle spasms can be the most common symptoms.

  •    Spinal Stenosis

Upon compression of spinal nerves and spinal canal pressure on them, known as spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is associated with disc degeneration between the vertebrae. This leads to compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots with soft tissues and bony spurs like discs. 

  • Fibromyalgia

Pain, tension, or spasms in the muscles, especially in the back. Sleep disturbances, depression, and anxiety are common symptoms. Doctors may prescribe muscle relaxants and pain relievers to alleviate the symptoms. Massage, physical therapy, and acupuncture are also valuable treatments.

How to Relieve Lower Back Pain?

The following methods may provide relief from back pain if the condition does not improve on its own:

  • An NSAID is a drug that helps to fight inflammation, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. As well as relieving muscular back pain, these prescription medications relax tight muscles as well. 
  • Muscle relaxants generally do not help with chronic lower back pain, and long-term use may increase side effects. Muscle relaxants should be discussed with their doctor.
  • The use of non-traditional treatments such as acupuncture can alleviate the pain experienced by some back pain sufferers. During acupuncture, thin needles are inserted into specific areas of the body, which releases natural painkillers such as endorphins, serotonin, and acetylcholine.
  • Back pain can be relieved through exercise. Your mobility can be improved by gentle stretches and strengthening exercises. It is possible for physical therapists to introduce you to exercises that are effective for treating your pain.
  • Myofascial release and other innovative techniques may also be used to engage your tissue.
  • When combined into a comprehensive pain management program, multiple procedures, including conservative therapies may reduce pain and improve performance. 

Preventing Future Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is inevitable as we age, so there is no guarantee that it can be prevented. Following are some steps you can take to reduce your risk:

  • Smoking is not permitted
  • Maintain a regular exercise regimen
  • Maintain a good posture
  • Weight maintenance
  • Supporting the spine with a chair
  • Choosing shoes that provide good arch support
  • Acupuncture

Minimally-Invasive Techniques For Back Pain Relaxation

If you experience chronic and persistent back pain, you should contact a back pain specialist as soon as possible. It is also possible to ease recovery through invasive treatment:

  • Spinal Stimulants 

For some individuals, stimulating a part of the spine may alter their perception of pain. It is possible to send soft electrical impulses into the spinal cord using a small series of electrodes, similar to the electrodes used in pacemakers. Pain signals are transmitted through these masks in order to prevent them from reaching the brain.

  • Nerve Blocks and Injections

For the treatment of back pain and inflammation in joints, steroids may be injected using anesthetics or not.

  • Minor invasive Lumbar Degeneration

The purpose of this isolation procedure is to treat lumbar spinal stenosis caused by ligamentous tissue growth directly. A small incision is made during the procedure, which does not require general anesthesia or stitches.

  • Radiofrequency Ablation

High-frequency currents can be used to block pain signals using a needle that transmits radio waves. A carefully selected group of patients may benefit from this treatment for a period of nine months or more.

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