What Causes Sharp Stabbing Pain In the Knee that Comes?

Sometimes you may face sharp stabbing pain in knee that comes and goes, and become curious what could be the reason behind it. There are several reasons that could result in such type of pain. You should be aware of all types of reasons behind the sharp stabbing pain in the knee. But it is advice to you even if you know all the causes, never self-prescribe yourself. Always pay a visit to the doctor.

Reasons Behind Sharp Stabbing Pain In Knee

Would you like to know what causes sharp stabbing pains in the knee comes and goes?  Here are some of the reasons given to help you guide about the discomfort and pain in the knee.

  •  IT Band Syndrome

The Iliotibial (IT) band refers to the thick band of tissues running from the hip to the knee. In IT band syndrome, a severe type of injury can result in stabbing, sharp pain on the outside of the knee that comes and goes. Runners and cyclists mostly face such issues.

  • Hoffa’s Fat Pad Impingement

Typically, Hoffa’s Fat Pad Impingement occurs when the fat pad under the patella tendon is inflamed. This type of condition is very painful and sharp stabbing pain may occur due to impingement or pinching of the fat pad between the tibia and the femur. You are most likely to face this condition while straightening and bending the knee to a great extent.

  • Fibromyalgia 

In addition to fatigue and sensitivity to touch, chronic fibromyalgia can cause joint pain in the knees and hips, as well as numbness and tingling in the arms and legs. Depression might be a result of coping with these symptoms.

Even when the reason for fibromyalgia isn’t known, it usually begins after a traumatic physical or emotional event. Also, some people experience pain in a normal sense, so it comes and goes frequently. Fibromyalgia affects approximately 90% of women. The risk of developing fibromyalgia increases if you suffer from lupus, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

  •  Overuse or Strain

Strain or overuse is considered the main cause behind sharp stabbing pain in the knee comes and goes. This type of problem is most common in physically demanding jobs, athletes, and active people. They are most likely to face discomfort and swelling due to repeated stress on the knee joint.

  • Gout

When uric acid crystals start storing in the joints, it is known as gout. In this condition, you may feel inflammation and pain.

  • Chondromalacia Patella

The knee cap also named patella is an important part of the knee that helps the proper movement of the knee.  Smooth cartilage covers the inside of the patella. The patellofemoral joint can experience pain when this cartilage wears down. Pain of this nature may develop over time.

  • Tendinitis of the Knee 

Muscles and bones are connected by tendon structures. 

It is common for our tendons to become irritated and inflamed as a result of repetitive use, such as running or high-level sporting activities. Tendinitis is a common overuse injury that occurs gradually over time as a result of overuse.  

When you experience knee pain of this type, you may find that you are unable to participate in sports or other activities on a regular basis.  By utilizing the RICE technique, healing can be enhanced.

  • Loose Body

 Occasionally, there is a floating object in the joint space such as a loose body or a fragment of bone or cartilage. Bones may suffer from injury or degeneration as a result of injury or degeneration. It is possible for a loose body to cause sudden pain when it interferes with the joint.

Who is Most Likely to Face Sharp Knee Pain

Several risk factors may also cause sudden and sharp knee pain:

  • Excess Weight: 

A person who is overweight puts more stress and weight on his or her knees, which increases knee wear and tear.

  • Sports and Occupations:

Some sports and occupations increase the risk of knee pain due to increased pressure on the knees.

  • Old Injuries:

Developing pain after an old knee injury is a common cause of sudden and sharp knee pain.


It is best to visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis if your symptoms do not improve after some time.

Premier pain management may help you in diagnosing the exact cause behind sharp stabbing pain in the knee comes and goes, as it has all medical diagnostics tools.

  • First of all the doctor will take your medical history, checking your activity level.
  • He will perform a physical examination by touching and checking for tenderness, swelling, and pain. He will also try to assess your range of motion.
  • After performing the mentioned two tasks, he will use different imaging tests like MRIs or X-rays. 

How to Treat Sharp Knee Pain

Injuries to the knee are treated based on their underlying causes. Despite this, there are some general treatments that will be helpful regardless of the type of injury, and in most cases, acute knee pain will be alleviated with these treatments. Among them are:

  • The knee should be rested with limited movement, iced when the pain surges, compressed by bandaging or support during the day, and elevated by taking weight off the knee and raising it high.
  •  Reduce movement that aggravates the pain by stabilizing the knee with kinetic tape or a patella strap.
  • When the knee injury is persistent or chronic, a knee brace may help both short-term pain relief as well as long-term knee recovery.
  • Initially, swelling and pain can be managed with anti-inflammatory medications and muscle creams such as deep heat.
  • A doctor should be consulted as soon as possible if the pain is severe, worsening, or does not disappear after a few days of rest. You can get a consultation from a Pain management plano tx in case of facing such type of pain.

Key Takeaways 

Sharp stabbing pain in knee comes and goes and can be sometimes very critical to the face. There are a lot of causes related to this type of pain, which sometimes may be severe and sometimes can be mild. There are many home remedies that a person can use to get rid of it. But sometimes, this can become so hard to face and unbearable. It is recommended to visit a knee pain doctor.

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