Why Knee Hurts When I Try To Do It Straight?

Knee hurts when straight is a condition in which a person feels himself very discomforted and irritated. Many factors like arthritis to ligament injuries. Sometimes, symptoms may improve with time along with rest but sometimes the condition may worsen resulting in surgery. It is always recommended to get consultation with a knee doctor Fort Worth.

My Knee Hurts When I Bend It And Straighten It!

Throughout the day, your knees are bent numerous times. Getting into the car, running up the stairs, and down the hall after the kids. Walking, descending stairs, or entering and exiting a vehicle requires you to straighten your knees. It is necessary for daily activities to bend and straighten the knee. Whenever you bend or straighten your knees, you may experience mild, transient discomfort or a more serious condition.  Here are causes related to knee hurts when straight.

Loss of Strength

The presence of persistent knee weakness should be considered concerning. It may occur gradually or abruptly. There are a number of causes of lower back pain, including overuse, ligament instability, osteoarthritis, meniscus tears, and nerve irritation. 

Strained Muscles 

An overexertion of the knee may result in the stretching or tearing of one or more muscles in the thigh or shin. The pain of some strains is the same regardless of whether your knee is bent or straight, while the pain of other strains may only be felt when you try to fully straighten your knee.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome — 

As the kneecap shifts out of its natural position, this condition is commonly referred to as runner’s knee. In some cases, this can be attributed to a misalignment of the patellar groove, which is the track of tendons that hold the kneecap in place. The tendons can be misaligned as a result of tension or weakness, or they may be injured in a traumatic manner. You may experience pain when you attempt to straighten your knee when you have a runner’s knee. 

Tendon Injury

Muscles and bones are connected by tendon tissue, which is a thick layer of connective tissue. In addition to stabilizing joints, they also move them. It is noteworthy that there are a number of tendons in the knee, including the patellar and distal quadriceps tendons. Several factors like muscle imbalance, overuse, trauma, medications like antibiotics and health conditions can lead to tendon injury.

Nerve Injury

Muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the knee receive information from nerves. Knee function cannot be achieved without this information. Local nerve injuries are possible, such as those occurring in the peroneal nerve. A problem with the low back can also lead to nerve dysfunction. There are several types of disc problems, including disc protrusion, spinal stenosis, disc herniation, and lumbar disc slippage. 

Runner’s Knee  

Runner’s knee is also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome and is caused when your kneecap shifts out of place. It can be extremely painful to have the kneecap out of its natural position, which can make it difficult to straighten your knee. Read More: www.painmedicinesnews.com

When to Seek Medical Help

 A mild injury may allow you to manage your symptoms without seeking medical assistance. A physician should be consulted if you experience any of the following symptoms: 

  • The affected leg cannot be weighed 
  • When you do not exercise, you experience severe pain 
  • You experience your knee giving way, clicking, or locking (gets stuck). 
  • Your knee is immobile
  •  Symptoms include heat, redness, swelling, or fever in the knee 

How to Prevent Knee Pain 

Since your knees are the largest joints in your body, they are subjected to the greatest amount of impact when you move. With a few simple changes to your daily habits, you can prevent knee pain when bending and further damage to your joints, ligaments, and tendons. 

  • Exercise: Regular physical activity helps maintain the strength of your muscles in order to support your joints. 
  • Stretching: Stretching is an effective way to increase flexibility, even on days when you are exercising. 
  • Proper footwear: To prevent knee injuries, wear shoes that are in alignment with your body.
  • Maintain weight: In order to reduce knee stress, you should maintain a healthy weight. 
  • Physical therapy: In order to address the causes of chronic knee pain, a professional can provide professional input on exercises to be performed.
  • Orthotics: The purpose of knee braces is to stabilize joints and promote healing. It is possible to keep your legs in alignment by wearing shoe inserts that provide extra support for your feet.


At some point in your life, you are likely to feel your knees hurt when straight. If you feel this condition temporarily then you don’t need to worry about it. But if it persists for a longer period then it is time to visit a doctor. 

Pain and spine center has an outstanding record in dealing with patients suffering from any type of knee pain.

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