Did You Ever Face Crick In The Neck?

A crick in the neck is related to a number of thoracic or cervical issues along with injuries or conditions in the structures around the neck.  A person suffering from a crick in the neck used to face stiffness in the muscles surrounding the shoulder blades and lower neck. Range of motion of a person suffering from a crick in the neck gets temporarily limited. Although, crick in neck is uncomfortable and stiff, it can be treated at home. But if stiffness remains for a long period, then don’t force your neck to bear it, instead visit a doctor at a pain management clinic.

How Does A Neck Crick Feel?

In case of a crick in the neck, it is not always necessary to have pain in neck or surrounding muscles. But there are some other symptoms which may appear to make you know that you are having a crick in your neck.

Here are the most common symptoms:

  • Inflammation of the neck or shoulder that is aggravated by movement
  • Knots or spasms in the muscles
  • Stiffness of the neck
  • The ability to move your neck and turn your head is limited or reduced
  • Feeling as if you need to pop your neck
  • When you move your neck, you will hear popping sounds

Causes of Crick in Neck 

Here are possible causes of crick in neck

  • Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Stenosis of the cervical spine occurs when the spinal cord and the nerve roots branching from it are unable to fit within the spinal canal. The development of spinal stenosis is often caused by the formation of bone spurs as a result of osteoarthritis. It is more likely that cervical spinal stenosis will result in radiculopathy than neck pain, as is the case with herniated discs. 

  • Neck sprain

Whenever ligaments present in the neck are damaged, they can cause a sprain of the neck, which can result in a crick in the neck. A neck sprain can be caused by a sudden, forceful movement or an impact injury. A person facing a car accident is also prone to face sprain in the neck.

  • Cervical Herniated Disc

Intervertebral discs with this type of structure have a soft inner layer that punches through a rigid outer layer. As the spinal canal does not have much room, any herniation can press on a nerve root. Cervical disc herniation may lead to neck pain, but radiculopathy is more likely to result in pain radiating down one or both arms. 

  • Mental Health Issues

Your mental status may also result in a stiff neck leading to crick in neck. It has been reported recently that depression, anxiety, and long- term stress has a link with crick in neck. Your neck and shoulder muscles are likely to become tight as a result of these psychological stressors, resulting in muscle knots or spasms.

Tips To Avoid Crick In Neck

Crick In The Neck Pain

With proper home treatment, most neck cricks will resolve within a few hours. The following tips may help you prevent neck cricks if you are prone to them:

  • In the event that you slump or have difficulty sitting up straight for a prolonged period of time, consider physical therapy.
  • If you frequently experience cricks in your neck after exercising, you may wish to have your exercise form observed and assessed by a professional.
  • Consult your physician to determine whether neck exercises will benefit your health. Several studies have suggested that neck training exercises can help reduce chronic, recurring neck pain without pointing to a specific cause. By doing this, you will be able to warm up your muscles and reduce the likelihood of them becoming stiff.
  • The position in which you sleep should be adjusted. It is recommended that you invest in one or two firm pillows rather than sleeping on multiple pillows (since they may shift during the night).
  • When you sit for long periods in front of your computer, stretch your neck muscles in the morning and several times throughout the day.
  • Check your calcium and vitamin D levels. Often, the muscles in the neck are weak.

Treatment for Crick in Neck

Pain clinic Fort Worth knows how to treat crick in neck in a better way.  However, crick in neck can be treated as follow:

  • Medication

Ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory medication available over the counter, can be beneficial in alleviating neck pain caused by stiffness. Inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, can also result in stiffness that can be treated with medications that fight inflammation.

  • Alternative Treatments

Acupuncture and massage therapy are sometimes helpful for people who suffer from chronic neck stiffness or pain. Before attempting alternative medicine, speak with your physician if home treatment fails.

When Should You See a Doctor for a Neck Crick?

A physician should be consulted if neck pain and stiffness do not improve or disappear after one week of at-home treatment.

  • If you are experiencing neck stiffness or pain, you should seek medical attention:
  • When injured, such as after a car accident, a fall, or a blow to the head
  • The weakness of your arms is caused by pain or numbness in your arms
  • Pain that persists and is continuous
  • Sleepless nights due to pain
  • A stiff neck associated with fever, headaches, nausea, vomiting, or sleepiness


A crick in neck can be resolved easily with the help of home remedies. But if it does not resolve itself then it is time to seek medical attention. There is treatment present for this problem so don’t wait for the condition to become worse.

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