Is It Wise To Worry About Back Of Knee Pain?

Anybody can feel pain in any part of the body, but knees are more susceptible to pain because they are involved in performing daily activities. And, any defect in any part of the knee can affect our lives badly. Symptoms of posterior knee pain may be restricted leg movements due to swelling, general aches, or sharp pain at the back of the knee. The most probable reasons behind back knee pain could be knee injury or another health condition like arthritis or cyst. But when the reason behind knee pain is a blood clot, then you should take it seriously. Try to seek medical attention as soon as possible, as any delay can cause irreversible damage. Pain medicine clinic staff with expertise and experience can effectively treat you within time.

“Ignoring severe or persistent knee pain could not be a wise decision.”

Causes of Back Of Knee Pain

Here are possible causes of back of knee pain

  • Hyperextended Knee

An injured knee that has been hyperextended is one that has been bent too far back. Due to this, damage to the knee structures leads to pain behind the knee. Injuries due to hyperextension can result in swelling, sharp or aching pain, and instability. Symptoms may become worse as you walk, stand, and descend stairs.

  • Meniscus Tear

Meniscus cartilage plays a fundamental role in stabilizing and cushioning the knee joint. Recurring activities like twisting and squatting can result in tearing any of the menisci present on both sides of the knees. 

Age is the main factor behind degeneration and weakness of cartilage leading to tears. A popping sound is most likely to be heard upon tearing in the meniscus. Initially, the injury does not make you feel more pain but with the passage of time, you can face extreme level pain.

  • Chondromalacia

Breaking of cartilage in the joints can result in chondromalacia. The main purpose of cartilage is to prevent friction between bones by providing a cushion. Chondromalacia can be caused by or by gradual wear and tear due to aging, injury to the knee, arthritis, or overuse.

Nerve Damage 

Sometimes, pinched nerves are the leading cause in causing pain that may radiate into the knees after passing through the buttock (piriformis syndrome) or lower back (sciatica).

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries

ACLs abbreviated as anterior cruciate ligaments connect the bones in the joints and help maintain flexibility and stability. Changes in direction or sudden stops are common leading causes of ACL strains. Furthermore, you may encounter swelling and subsequent pain along with a popping sound. write in active voice.

  • Popliteus Tendonitis

Popliteus tendonitis can be another possible cause behind it. The popliteus muscle, situated at the back of the knee, rotates an important portion of the lower leg bone inward. Pushing the back of the knee can commonly cause tenderness, and bending the knee with the foot turned outward may induce pain.

Diagnosis of Posterior Knee Pain

Posterior Knee Pain

To reach the root cause of pain in the back of the knee, doctors may perform the following tests.


  • An X-ray may be prescribed by your physician as a first step, as it can assist in detecting degenerative joints and fractures.

CT scan (Computerized Tomography)

  • CT scanners create cross-sectional images of your body’s interior by combining X-rays captured from multiple angles.
  • CT scans are useful for diagnosing subtle fractures and bone problems. 
  • Gout can be properly diagnosed with a special CT scan even if the joint is not inflamed.


  • Sound waves are utilized to generate real-time images of the soft tissue structures within and around the knee.
  • Your doctor may also move your legs in different directions to check for specific issues during ultrasound.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

  • The purpose of an MRI is to produce 3D images of the inside of the knee using powerful magnets and radio waves. 
  • The test is particularly useful in detecting soft tissue injuries, such as tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and muscles.

Radionuclide Bone Scan

  • In this test, healthcare professionals inject a tiny amount of radioactive material into the patient’s bloodstream, allowing a scanner to detect it. Blood is then pumped into the bones, and cell activity within them is monitored.

Lab Tests

  • If your doctor suspects an infection or inflammation, they may perform blood tests and occasionally a procedure called arthrocentesis.
  • This procedure involves the removal of a small amount of fluid from within your knee joint using a needle and sending it to a laboratory for analysis.

It is suggested to book an appointment at Pain clinic Fort Worth, as it is facilitated with all medical medical diagnostic equipment for proper diagnosis. 

Treatment of Back Of Knee Pain

The treatment for knee pain will vary depending on the underlying cause.

  • Exercises and Stretches 

Strengthening the muscles surrounding your knee achieves the goal of stabilizing it.  Depending on the specific condition that causes your pain, your doctor may recommend physical therapy or strengthening exercises. One cannot overstate the importance of exercising to improve flexibility and balance.

  • In order to correct movement patterns that cause damage to your knees, you may need to perform exercises that may occur if you are physically active or practicing a sport. 
  • During any activity or sport, you may also need to engage yourself in exercises in order to develop good technique. 
  • Arch supports, sometimes with wedges built into the heel, can help alleviate the pressure placed on the knees affected by osteoarthritis. 
  • Certain conditions may require the use of different types of knee braces for the purpose of supporting and protecting the knee joint.
  • Medications

Doctors may prescribe you medication according to the severity of problems in your knee like gout or rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Injections

Occasionally, your doctor may recommend injecting medications directly into your joint. Injections may include:

  • Corticosteroids 
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
  • Surgery

If you don’t get relief from home remedies the doctor after a complete diagnosis may give the final decision of surgery to give life to your knee again.

  • Arthroscopic surgery 
  • Partial knee replacement surgery
  • Total knee replacement
  • Osteotomy


Knee pain can be caused by a variety of reasons that may be due to any injury or autoimmune disease. Generally, if you are facing significant pain or swelling around your knee joint after a forceful impact, you should visit a healthcare professional.

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