Can Constipation Cause Back Pain? Causes and Treatment

Yes, constipation causes back pain but not in all cases and not to a great extent. Many people due to some reasons can face constipation and back pain together. Back pain and constipation can be indicators of some underlying health issues. So, whenever you feel back pain and constipation together, try to visit a doctor and not force your body to recover itself, especially when it persists for more than two days. You can also visit Pain medicine clinic for better diagnosis and treatment to get rid of this irritating and painful life as soon as possible.

Can constipation cause back pain? Have you ever thought about when you suffer from both conditions together?

How Can Constipation Cause Back Pain?

During chronic constipation, intestines while retaining feces begin to swell and can feel mild to moderate pain in the back and abdomen. Generally, a person can feel dull but persistent pain because of pressure on the surrounding region like in the back due to force in draining the stool. Moreover, with chronic constipation, you may also feel numbness in the legs along with pain in the back due to pressure on nerves as well. So, constipation can be related to back pain especially when both occur at the same time.

Conditions Related To Constipation And Back Pain

Treatment is mostly dependent on the underlying cause, so it is better for everybody to be aware of reasons that force constipation to cause back pain in the back. So, here are some causes and conditions, which have a direct relation with constipation and back pain.

  • Endometriosis 

Endometriosis has an effect on people who face tissue growth in other places in their bodies, such as their ovaries, fallopian tubes, bowel, and bladder. Lower abdominal pain, menstrual cramps, and back pain are among the most common symptoms in people suffering from endometriosis. When any tissue grows on the bowel, this may lead to constipation due to obstruction in the rectum. 

  • Pancreatic Cancer

Most pancreatic cancers are asymptomatic during their early stages. In most pancreatic cancers, symptoms do not appear in the early stages. Back pain, itching skin, abdominal pain, and digestion problems can all be symptoms as the cancer develops. Treatment for pancreatic cancer may also result in constipation.

  • Pregnancy

As the fetus grows, it puts pressure on the back and constricts the bowels, resulting in back pain and constipation in pregnancy. Constipation has also a direct link with high levels of progesterone.

  • Fibromyalgia 

An individual suffering from fibromyalgia may face tenderness and widespread pain in their muscles. He/she will experience symptoms related to memory problems, altered sleep patterns, fatigue, and mood fluctuations. Fibromyalgia patients can face functional bowel disorders as well as long-term back pain like constipation, IBS, and diarrhea.

  • Peritonitis 

As the name indicates peritonitis is the inflammation of the peritoneum (a serous membrane that lines the abdominal cavity). Microorganisms like fungi or bacteria are normally responsible for the infection in the peritoneum. It can cause pain, vomiting, nausea, and constipation because of inflammation of the abdominal wall lining. Some individuals may also face abdominal pain in the back due to peritonitis.

When You Should Visit a Doctor

Mostly, constipation and back pain are common conditions that can be treated with home remedies. But the following situations may prompt you to visit a doctor if you are experiencing constipation and back pain together:

  • Blood is present in your stool or rectum
  • Constant pain in your back and abdomen
  • Irritating gas problem
  • In spite of bowel movements, your back pain persists
  • If you are feeling fever, or vomiting, seek medical attention immediately.
  • You have recently lost weight without explanation
  • The last time you had a bowel movement was over seven days ago


Fortunately, back pain and constipation can be treated easily with home remedies, if these are not linked to something serious. If these conditions are indications of something serious underlying the condition, then you don’t need to rely on home treatment, immediately rush to the doctor. Here are some tips for you to avoid such conditions.

  • Try to engage yourself in low-impact physical activity because tense muscles are stretched, and intestinal movement increases which leads to relief of constipation.
  • Mostly dehydration is the leading cause of constipation, so drink plenty of fluid. Staying dehydrated is crucial to get rid of such conditions. You can easily make a clear difference in your health by drinking plenty of water the whole day.
  • Make a diet plan that guides you to take fiber-rich foods as it can promote bowel movements and healthy digestion.
  • To relieve back pain, use ice packs or heat on sore areas to stop inflammation of muscles in the lower back.
  • Incorporate probiotics into your diet. Yogurt and supplements with live active cultures are two of the most common sources of these nutrients.
  • The doctor may prescribe you laxatives, when necessary.


If you drink more water and change your diet with the addition of more fibers, constipation may likely resolve on its own but if it becomes chronic, then it may lead to many complications. People can normally treat constipation at home and back pain with RICE protocol. When you face back pain along with constipation, then consult a doctor. You can find highly qualified staff and facilities in the Pain relief clinic Fort Worth. If it is near your location, never hesitate to visit.

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